This guide will walk you through a similar setup. Selection of antennas for the reception of ADS-B signals from airplanes on the 1090 MHz frequency: outdoor antenna, 1090 MHz vertical antenna, 1090 portable antenna, with SMA or N connector. With the advent of cheap software-defined-radio (SDR) dongles, over the past few years, it has become extremely cheap and easy for amateurs to receive ADS-B signals, upload data to these sites and, in exchange, get access to premium features from these sites. Download: ADS-B SPY ADSB decoder for Linux x86. This build can be used with AARCH64 ARM SBCs like the Raspberry Pi 4, Odroid or compatible. Download: ADS-B SPY ADSB decoder for Linux ARM64. collect ADS-B information using a vast array of ADS-B receivers, some of which are run by hobbyists, and present this information on maps with near-real-time updates. This build can be used with Raspberry PI and Odroid boards. Sites such as FlightAware, FlightRadar24, Plane Finder, RadarBox24, etc. You can also get an antenna tuned to 1090 Mhz.
#Rtl sdr ads b raspberry pi planeplotter pro#
FlightAware also sells an SDR with the filter included - FlightAware Pro Stick Plus.

If you intend to dedicate the SDR to ADS-B, it is better to add a band-pass filter for the 1090 MHz signals. ADS-B relies on line-of-sight communication via signals transmitted at 1090 Mhz and has a range of up to 250 nautical miles. The generic SDR from RTL-SDR is a multi-purpose SDR capable of receiving a wide range of frequencies. This information is received by ground stations and air traffic control and used as a replacement for radar-based tracking. Software Defined Radio, DVB-T and ADS-B Compatible, ESD Safe NooElec NESDR Nano 2+ Tiny Black RTL-SDR USB Set (RTL2832U + R820T2) with Ultra-Low Phase Noise 0.5PPM TCXO & MCX Antenna. (If using WiFi skip this step) Plug the power into your Raspberry Pi. Low-Cost Software Defined Radio Compatible with Many SDR Software Packages, ESD-Safe 4. Tightly plug in the antenna cable into the USB SDR ADS-B dongle. NESDR Mini 2 USB RTL-SDR and ADS-B Receiver Set, RTL2832U and R820T2 Tuner, MCX Input.

Plug the USB SDR ADS-B receiver into the Raspberry Pi. This post describes how I setup a basic ADS-B receiver on a Raspberry PI Zero W using a USB RTL2832U based Software Defined Radio so that you can see any ADS-B equipped aircraft in your local area and present it on your own website. Most modern aircraft carry an ADS-B ( Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) transmitter that puts out information about the aircraft's identification, geospatial location, speed, and heading. Optional: Put the case on the Raspberry Pi.