Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper
Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharpervisual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper
  1. #Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper how to
  2. #Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper install
  3. #Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper update
  4. #Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper android
  5. #Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper windows

I remember having those weird, unexplainable XAML errors back in 2012.Ħ years and they’re still unable to fix the thing once and for all. – Unloading and reloading the project solved the issue! NET Target Framework to 4.5.2 in the Project Properties is what worked for me. Resharper|Options|Environment|General|Clear Caches fixed this problem for meĬhanging the. Unload and reload project was fixed my problem I was getting intellisense errors about wpf dependency properties ( but application was working fine) I had installed vs 2015 and on starting new win app project it says visual c# 2015 could not be created. (Restarting VS2015 did not help previously). The suo file was in a hidden “.vs” directory in my VS2015 C# project.ĭeleting the directory fixed the intellisense issue I was having where it refused to recognize some types I swapped the names of. The most useful menu in Visual studio is the 'Edit' menu, learn the hotkeys in the sub-menus at the bottom of 'Edit' with heart.

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper how to

Guide to how to use the Visual Studio Tools for Unity. (If you're using 2013 here's the 2013 version.

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper install

Man, I’ve lost tons of time fighting it though :) Thanks for the post! Install 'Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity', it'll enhance everything for unity. Suo didn’t help but unloading projects and then reloading them one by one actually solved the problem. The solution built without a problem but ReSharper was all red reporting errors like ‘can’t resolve symbol’ even if those symbols were declared in the same file.ĭeleting R# cache and. I don’t see what the connection is between these two but apparently there is one…

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper android

Upgrading the Android SDK in Xamarin Studio to the latest version, however did fix these issues. I’ve had exactly the same thing, but deleting SUO didn’t help. Our own Rider IDE has been 64-bit since 2017, and it’s great to see Visual Studio finally doing this too. The announcement from Microsoft also reveals that Visual Studio will be 64-bit.

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper update

And if it does not help either, remove the. Update (December 8, 2021): ReSharper 2021.3, with support for Visual Studio 2022, is now available for download. Maybe it’s an Extension, and the Extension Manager is the way to go No. Just look at the choices: You might think that an Add-in like ReSharper would be handled by the Add-in Manager. It’s the Intellisense cache.Īlso clear the build output folders bin and obj. The Visual Studio Tools menu has a bunch of likely candidates and suspects for disabling a Visual Studio plugin like ReSharper. Previous entry | Next blog entry Responses to “Quick tip: What to do when Visual Studio freaks out and everything is red” I suspect that under the cover this also modifies the SUO file and solves the issue. Update: I was just told that unloading and reloading the project file might help too. So the rule is: If you see some weird behavior in Visual Studio, try to delete the SUO file first, before you try anything else. And since it is hidden, you don’t always think about it. In the following example I have opened a crash dump in Visual Studio and have hit an exception in. Under these circumstances, the debugger displays the No Symbols Loaded or Source Not Found page and provides an opportunity to load the necessary symbols or source. Personally I hate this file because it can cause a lot of trouble if it gets corrupted. Change the stack frame by double-clicking a frame in the Call Stack window. It contains a lot of information such as which files are currently open in the IDE, some local settings, etc. If active, Visual Assist disable its own listboxes (until VS restart) to avoid double listboxes: one from Resharper, one from Visual Assist. The SUO file is a hidden file, which is placed in the same folder as the SLN file. When you install Resharper and you use the default setting (Resharper intellisense), Visual Assist detects whether a Resharper listbox is active or not. Anyway whatever the cause was (and I am still not 100% sure what actually triggered this behavior), recovering from it is actually quite easy: Having just installed Xamarin, I first thought that it was the culprit.

#Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper windows

In my case, working in a Windows Phone project, I couldn’t select the target (Device, Emulator 512, etc) in the combo box next to the “Run” button in the taskbar. Building works just fine, but the editor and Intellisense just freak out. You might have seen this before: You open a project in Visual Studio, and almost every possible keyword is underlined red. Update: There is a fix available for this issue.

Visual studio 2015 intellisense doubles with resharper